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About My Artwork:

I refer to my painting styles as Abstract Expressionism, and Graphic Pop Art. Both of these styles are inspired by color field paintings, pop art, and graffiti/street art.


My abstractions are left intentionally open to the viewer’s interpretation, whereas my graphic paintings are better defined with a narrative built in.


Intuitively I paint my current emotional state. Feelings of calm/stillness lead to creating open spaces of color which gives the viewer’s eyes a place to rest. When full of intense energy, I'm led to paint spaces with fast, loose brush strokes, and bold lines. This active space gives the viewer a sense of highly energetic expression.


I’m currently working on a series called “Endless Journey” - An abstract exploration of my fascination with juxtaposing a wide range of energy, and color.


I am constantly developing more stencil designs for future graphic painting projects. 

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